Simple ways to be an eco-warrior this plastic free July (and every month for that matter!)

Imagine if you brought a new piece of clothing every single day, sometimes a few times a day, wore it for an hour and then chucked it straight in the bin… everyone would think we were totally loopy but this is basically what many of us do every single day when we use single use plastics like plastic bags, coffee cups, straws and product packaging that are designed to use for just a moment but will outlive us by a few hundred years!
With a little bit of forward planning we can dramatically reduce the amount of single use plastics we use, without having to forgo our favourite little luxuries that keep us going through the long work week. Let’s dive in to some super simple steps to get you started on your low-waste journey :
Step 1: Scrap the coffee cups and take-away containers!
Many of us are not angelic social media icons who look happy with life at 5 in the morning completely caffeine free. If you’re a human that needs a little caffeine to get you going on a Monday morning, being a bit organised and popping a reusable coffee cup in your bag is an easy way to cut out the (two or ten) coffee cups that would have otherwise accumulated in the office bin by the end of day. Don’t get suckered into thinking that those single use coffee cups are environmentally friendly just because some say ‘compostable’ or ‘biodegradable’ on them. They often need to be commercially composted and will not biodegrade in landfills or your home composting systems, so don’t risk it and just say no and bring your own. Same goes for your lunch and snacks too, ditch the single use zip-lock bags or nasty take-away containers and cutlery for a reusable container and reusable cutlery!

Step 2: Ditch the plastic bags!
Bringing your own reusable plastic bags is a sure-fire way to reduce a huge amount of unnecessary plastic waste. Think about it, every product you purchase comes with a plastic bag, that is detrimental to the environment whether you now pay 5 cents for it or if it’s still completely free! Get used to asking the cashier to put your purchases in your reusable bag, it might feel a little awkward at first but people are usually really happy that you're ditching the plastic. At Dindi Naturals we only provide our customers with recycled paper bags but a sure-fire way to put a smile on our retail staff’s faces is when you bring your own reusable bag!

Step 3: Choose package free or refills where possible!
It’s not always easy to find products that are available in fully recyclable packaging or have package free or refill options. Luckily more and more businesses are catching on to the eco-mindedness of their customers and are starting to offer more low-waste product options. Support the businesses that you see offering low-waste alternatives! Buy in bulk and refill your own containers for food or liquid products.
Here at Dindi we offer package free cleansers, bar soaps, shampoo bars and conditioner bars and offer a wide range of liquid products in bulk 4L and 10L quantities or as individual liquid refills in our stores! Buying in bulk or refilling recycled packaging is a fantastic way to reduce your waste in a really easy way, whilst still purchasing your favourite eco-minded products.

Step 4: Keep on learning and share the knowledge!
Many of us just aren’t switched on to where our waste goes after we’ve casually chucked it in the nearest bin. In fact, many of us have grown up being praised just for chucking our trash in the bin (you’ve got to give it to them, it’s better than throwing it out the car window… WHO DOES THAT?!). However there's so much more we can do (and must do!) for this precious planet of ours. The first step is educating ourselves and then being able to share that knowledge with those around us! Plastic Free July is a fantastic time to share with those around you that you're committing to a month of reducing your waste and to challenge them to join in to! You can find out more about Plastic Free July and some of the resources they offer here.

Here's some of our favourite low waste swaps ...

argan solid conditioner bar
If you are seeking soft, shiny, super moisturised hair, our solid conditioner bars are the answer! Available in a reusable metal tin or loose refill.

lemon smoothie bar soap
Our range of 21 different bar soaps are all available in recycled card packaging or package free as a loose bar soap!

lavender + cedarwood deodorant balm
No more mess, this creamy blend gently coats the skin to perform its deodorising magic.
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